Project researchers

Rory Archer
Dr. Rory Archer is a social historian of 20th century Southeast Europe. He is the project PI and will explore Albanian migration to Croatia. His previous research has focused on labour history and gender history in socialism, housing, everyday life and popular culture. Methodologically, he has experience in working through oral history, grounded theory and other qualitative, interpretive methods which link social science approaches to social history research.

Mladen Zobec
Mladen Zobec is a Law and Politics doctoral student at University of Graz and works as a researcher on this research project. His dissertation focuses Albanian migrants in Slovenia and transformations from state-employed labourers to workers and owners of small family businesses. Mladen holds a BA and MA in Sociology from the University of Ljubljana. His research interests are centred on the social and political history of the Socialist Yugoslavia. He worked as a teaching assistant for Sociology at the University of Ljubljana and has been a regular author of broadcasts at the radio station Radio Študent, specialising in topics related to the South-eastern European societies.
Zobec, M. (2015). O Sohn-Rethlovi teoriji fašizma [On Sohn-Rethel’s Theory of Fascism]. Borec: Revija Za Zgodovino, Literaturo in Antropologijo, 67(715/717), 150–169.
Zobec, M. (2015). Kompjuterizacija v Sovjetski zvezi v kontekstu avangardne logike [Computerisation in the Soviet Union in the context of avantgard logic]. In Telo in tehnologija: zbornik 8. kulturološkega simpozija (Vol. 8, pp. 160–173). Ljubljana:, društvo kulturologov.
Associated researchers

Rina Geci
Rina Geci holds a M.A in Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology & Museology and Heritage Management from the University of Zagreb. Currently, she works as an independent researcher in Kosovo, mostly in projects related to cultural heritage as the Initiative for the foundation of Museum of Filigree in Prizren. Her research interests include economic anthropology, migrations, studies of socialism and postsocialism, studies of minorities- especially of Albanian minority in the ex-Yugoslavia and intangible cultural heritage. During her studies, she was engaged in several voluntary ethnographic researches that are waiting to be published. Prior to her anthropology studies, she worked as a journalist for the national daily newspaper Tribuna in Kosovo.
“On the Pathways of Prizren`s Silversmiths” (2019), documentary.
Geci, R. 2019. “U Savičenti na domaće(m) pivo(u)”. U: Pazi što jedeš laboratorij, ur. Tanja Kocković Zaborski. Pazin: Etnografski muzej Istre
Geci, R. 2017. Djathi i Sharrit. Prishtinë: ChwB Kosova.
Rajković Iveta, M. and R. Geci. 2017. Albanski zlatari i pekari s Kosova u Zagrebu: migracije i etničko poduzetništvo. Studia ethnologica Croatica , vol.29, 279-303.

Radoš Panić
Radoš Panić is a Law and Politics doctoral student at University of Graz. His dissertation examines how change in Yugoslav state policy affected Kosovar Albanians’ participation in Yugoslav cultural space through the study of everyday life and perceptions of belonging from 1966-1981. Scholarly literature on socialist Yugoslavia often overlooks the political and historical-anthropological study of Kosovar Albanians who were largely suppressed and isolated for the greater part of the country’s existence. The period between 1966 and 1981 is the only era within Yugoslav history where Albanians in Kosovo enjoyed near equal political status and cultural emancipation. Through oral history interviews with participants who resided in Kosovo, as well as content analysis of relevant government, media and scholarly sources related to this period, the aim of the research is to understand whether greater political autonomy and national emancipation created a greater sense of belonging among Kosovar Albanians, brought about higher awareness of national grievances and inequality, or both.
Cooperation and advisory board
Three cooperation agreements have been made with the University of Pristina Vjollca Krasniqi, the University of Pula Igor Duda and the Institute of Culture and Memory Studies, Slovene Academy of Arts and Sciences Tanja Petrović.
A project advisory board will advise on the academic content of the project and support the activities and dissemination strategy:

Pamela Ballinger
University of Michigan

Florian Bieber
University of Graz

Anna Di Lellio
The New School for Public Engagement, New York

Karl Kaser
University of Graz

Elife Krasniqi
University of Graz

Robert Pichler
OAW Institute for Hapsburg and Balkan Studies, Vienna

Venera Çoçaj
The London School of Economics and Political Science